Assoc. Prof. Çiğdem YÜCEL’s TUBITAK 1001 Success
Assoc. Prof. Çiğdem YÜCEL’s TUBITAK 1001 Success

Coordinated by Assoc. Prof. Çiğdem Yücel, a faculty member at the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology/ERU Faculty of Pharmacy, the project called “Development and In Vitro/In Vivo Evaluation of Aspasomes, an Innovative Drug Delivery System with Natural Ingredients for the Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia”, in which Asst. Prof. Tuğba Eren Böncü and Assoc. Prof. Gökçe Şeker Karatoprak are researchers, has been entitled to be supported as part of the TUBITAK 1001 fund.

We congratulate our researchers and wish them continued success.

11 September 2024 Wednesday
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