Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Dentistry
Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Dentistry

15th term graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Dentistry was held. One hundred ten students graduated from the faculty.

AK Party Kayseri Deputy Dr. Murat Cahid Cıngı, ERU Rector Prof. Dr. Fatih Altun, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Sinan Topçuoğlu, Chairman of Kayseri Chamber of Dentists İlhan Karacalar, academics, students and families attended the graduation ceremony held at Erciyes Cultural Center.

Making a speech during the ceremony, Deputy Dr. Murat Cahid Cıngı congratulated the graduates and families. He said: “ERU Faculty of Dentistry is one of the leading faculties in Türkiye. Rector Altun contributes significantly to the university. The faculty has made a significant progress in a very short time. It is currently in the top three in Türkiye in technical facilities.”

Rector Altun said: “Erciyes University considerably serves the city, country and all humanity in many fields from health to engineering and from agriculture to social sciences. While carrying out these services, we are trying to act together with our academic and administrative staff and students. Our sole purpose is to achieve what we can do in the region, how we can contribute to the country. We are trying to do our part in the best way possible.” He pointed out that the construction of the additional service building under construction at the Faculty of Dentistry Hospital would be completed by December 31, 2024 and continued as follows: “The Faculty of Dentistry always makes progress. When the additional service building is opened, there will be a capacity increase of more than one hundred percent in the number of treatment units and the total number of patients. This will ensure that our citizens will make use of the service in a shorter time.”

He wished the graduates success and said: “Life-long learning continues. You have to use and improve your knowledge more in your professional lives. Please love your country and people.”

Dean Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Sinan Topçuoğlu gave information about the faculty and congratulated the graduates. He said: “You preferred to be dentists. You studied hard to increase and improve your knowledge. Today, you are here as the representatives of a respected and sacred profession. You will be qualified dentists thanks to the knowledge and experience you have gained from your professors throughout your education. You will make your patients smile and improve their quality of life.”

After the speech of İlhan Karacalar, Chairman of Kayseri Chamber of Dentists, Zeliha Bozboğa, the top student of the term, placed a plaque on the graduation log.

The ceremony ended after the presentation of plaques and diplomas and the graduates took an oath with Dentist Halit Erkiletlioğlu.

12 September 2024 Thursday
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