Presentation of Barrier-free University Awards
Presentation of Barrier-free University Awards

As part of the “Barrier-free University Awards”, ERU central campus, 6 faculties and R&D Park Building of the Office of Dean for Research were deemed worthy of the orange flag award and the ERU Faculty of Communication was also awarded the green flag award and the blue flag nomination award by the Council of Higher Education.

ERU Rector Prof. Dr. Fatih Altun presented the flags and certificates sent by the Council of Higher Education to the deans of faculties.

During the award ceremony, the Faculty of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Tourism, Faculty of Communication, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Agriculture and the R&D Park Building of the Office of Dean for Research were awarded the “Orange Flag” for spatial accessibility. The Faculty of Communication was also deemed worthy of the “Green Flag” for accessibility in education and the “Blue Flag” for accessibility in socio-cultural activities.

Rector Altun said that ERU was deemed worthy of a significant number of flag awards by the Council of Higher Education and thanked academic and administrative staff of awarded faculties for their devoted works.

Within the scope of “Barrier-free University Awards 2024”, the Council of Higher Education awarded the universities in three categories including “Spatial Accessibility (Orange Flag)”, “Accessibility in Education (Green Flag)” and “Accessibility in Socio-cultural Activities (Blue Flag)” to ensure the full, active and equal participation of individuals with disabilities in higher education.

Within the scope of “Barrier-free University Awards 2024”, the Council of Higher Education awarded the universities in three categories including “Spatial Accessibility (Orange Flag)”, “Accessibility in Education (Green Flag)” and “Accessibility in Socio-cultural Activities (Blue Flag)” to ensure the full, active and equal participation of individuals with disabilities in higher education.

12 September 2024 Thursday
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