A journey into the future and science with Erciyes University
We invite you to be a student at Erciyes University, one of the top 10 state universities in Turkiye.
Registration begins on 4th of March.
Do not miss the chance to join the family of Erciyes University including more than 300 international
students from 107 countries.
• It has been ranked among the top 10 research universities in Turkiye.
• It developed Turcovac, the first and only domestic vacine against Coronavirus-19 (Covid-19),
with its advanced research capacity
• It is one of the first two accredited state universities in Turkiye in terms of education quality,
• It was ranked 6th among the state universities in Turkiye in the Turkiye University Satisfaction
Survey 2023,
• It was ranked among the top 200 universities in the world in 3 categories in the Impact
Rankings 2023 conducted by Times Higher Education (THE),
• It has been ranked 9th among the state universities in Turkiye in the QS World University
Rankings 2024,
• It became the Turkiye’s 3rd most environmentally friendly university and World’s 85th in the
UI Greenmetric World University Ranking 2023.
Erciyes University offers undergraduate, graduate and doctoral programmes. It has more than 200
programmes in the fields of health sciences (e.g., medicine, dentistry, pharmacy), social sciences (e.g.,
law) and natural sciences (e.g., engineering)
You can access academic units via the links below:
• 19 Faculties (https://www.erciyes.edu.tr/tr/a/fakulteler/2014/1)
• 7 Institutes ( https://www.erciyes.edu.tr/tr/a/enstituler/2015/1 )
• Strong academic staff and 43 research centres
Please visit the following website for application:
Registration and admission dates:
Starts on 4th of March https://ogrisl.erciyes.edu.tr/en/announcement/all-announcement
Is a personal appearance required to apply?
No, applications are made strictly online. You do not need any intermediary institution or organisation.
When will the application results be announced?
It will be announced in March, in 2023-2024 Academic year, via Erciyes University Online
Application System: https://ogrisl.erciyes.edu.tr/en/announcement/all-announcement
We hope to see you among more than 300 international students from 107 countries at our university.