Winners of the Photography Contest on Sustainable Campus
Winners of the Photography Contest on Sustainable Campus

The winners of the Photography Contest on Sustainable Campus, organized by the Sustainability Coordination Office to enable the participants to take their photos from environmental, ecological, and sustainable perspectives and to raise awareness through original photos, were announced.

The winners visited ERU Rector Prof. Dr. Fatih Altun.

Our Rector received information from the winners about their photos and congratulated them on their success.

Fazıl Akdağ received the first prize. Sevde Güner was awarded the second prize, and Merve Sultan Aytuğ received the third prize. Berkan Kahvecioğlu, Elmas Ildırar, and Hatice Yalçın were awarded the honorable mention.

Our Rector presented the winners with their certificates.

ERU Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Oktay Özkan, the Sustainability Coordination Office Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Şükrü Taner Azgın, and members of the contest selection committee accompanied the winners during the visit.

12 June 2024 Wednesday
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