Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Health Sciences

The Faculty of Health Sciences held the 2020-2021 Academic Year graduation ceremony. A total of 225 students graduated.

Our Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Çalış, our Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Murat Borlu, Prof. Dr. Recai Kılıç and Prof. Dr. Mehmet Sıtkı İlkay, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Sultan Taşcı, academicians and students attended the ceremony held at Marianne Molu Amphitheatre.

Making the opening speech of the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Sultan Taşçı said: “We are happy and proud that our students, 76 of whom graduated from the department of nutrition and dietetics and 149 of whom graduated from the department of nursing of our faculty which has adopted the aim of protecting, developing and improving the community health, will start to practice their profession. As a faculty, our main mission is to enable our students to integrate their humanitarian values with their professional values through their knowledge and skills”.

Congratulating the graduates, our Rector said: “You are individuals who have stepped on this path as healthcare professionals and who will proceed on this way. As we witnessed during the pandemic period, healthcare professionals are really the heroes of this country. It is difficult but a lofty profession. You will be tired and you will have difficulties. I am also happy to be a healthcare professional. Perhaps you will neglect your families, yourselves, but you will never neglect your patients. Of course, you will get in return for this”.

After the speeches, Elif Ersaran, the top of the term, placed a plaque on the graduation log.

The ceremony ended after the graduates took an oath and were given their diplomas.

28 July 2021 Wednesday
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