ERU will develop Environmentally-friendly Building Materials that can be produced with 3D Concrete Printer
ERU will develop Environmentally-friendly Building Materials that can be produced with 3D Concrete Printer

As part of the Research Universities Support Program (ADEP), the faculty members of ERU Faculty of Engineering will develop environmentally-friendly building materials that can be produced with 3D concrete printer.

The project team aims to develop environmentally-friendly hybrid and cement-free ultra-low carbon emission building materials by utilizing the potential of 3D printing technology in the construction industry.

In addition, the project will take advantage of the potential of 3D concrete printer technology in the construction industry to offer a fast manufacturing process, reduced labor requirements, customizable designs and an environmentally-friendly method by creating less waste.

Supported by ADEP to increase the research capacity of our country and to encourage universities that can conduct scientific studies at international standards, this project will provide a crucial impetus to the development of environmentally-friendly construction technologies in both academic and construction sectors.

This success demonstrates the university's commitment to scientific research and its vision to develop environmentally-friendly solutions.

Prof. Dr. Okan Karahan, Prof. Dr. Cengiz Duran Atiş, Assoc. Prof. Serhan İlkentapan, Assoc. Prof. Uğur Durak, PhD student Ezgi Örklemez from ERU Department of Civil Engineering, Asst. Prof. Özkan Özmen from ERU Department of Industrial Design Engineering, Prof. Dr. Burak Uzal and Prof. Dr. Niğmet Uzal from AGU Department of Civil Engineering and Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şahmaran from Hacettepe University Department of Civil Engineering participated in the project called “The Development of Environmentally-Friendly Hybrid Mortars Suitable for 3D Printing Method and Determination of Their Environmental Impacts through Life Cycle Assessment”.

12 September 2024 Thursday
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