TUBITAK Success of Asst. Prof. Hilal GENÇ ÇOPUR
TUBITAK Success of Asst. Prof. Hilal GENÇ ÇOPUR

According to the results of the 1st application term of 2024 within the scope of TUBITAK-2219 International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program, the project called “Exploring the Use of Conceptual PlayWorlds as a Model for Environmental Education with Preschool Children: Comparative Analysis of Storybooks in Türkiye and Australia for Designing CPWs”, in which Asst. Prof. Hilal GENÇ ÇOPUR, a faculty member at the ERU Faculty of Education, has taken part as a coordinator, has been entitled to be supported. The project will be conducted under the supervision of Dr. Anne SURYANI at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.

We congratulate our researcher and wish her continued success.

12 September 2024 Thursday
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