Our University ranked 148th among the Top 400 Universities in the QS EECA 2021 Ranking
Our University ranked 148th among the Top 400 Universities in the QS EECA 2021 Ranking

QS University Rankings announced the results of the “Top 400 Universities” survey, involving Emerging Europe and Central Asia (EECA). According to the results, Erciyes University achieved to be ranked 148th among the top 400 universities. Our university ranked 14th among all universities in the rankings in Turkey while 11th among state universities.

QS Ranking System adopted a different approach for its evaluations covering EECA region by keeping the weight of indicators for research outputs lower according to world university rankings and describing new indicators on the grounds that the rate of publishing in English is low in these regions. In this sense, the indicators used in EECA ranking conducted by QS are collected in the following 10 categories: academic reputation survey results (30%), employer reputation survey result (20%), faculty member/student ratio (10%), publication ratio per faculty member (10%), international research net (10%), web impact (5%), Citation ratio per article (5%), ratio of faculty member with Ph D (5%), international student ratio (2.5%) and international faculty member ratio (2.5%).

According to QS EECA Ranking results, among the top 400 universities, Erciyes University, which ranked 17th in terms of citation rate per article, 74th in terms of staff with a Ph D degree, 89th in terms of web impact, and 92nd in terms of article ratio per faculty member, seems to have an important potential, especially in terms of research-based indicators

We would like to express our gratitude to all our members, students and stakeholders who have contributed to the development and success of our university

18 December 2020 Friday
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