Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Health Sciences
Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Health Sciences

283 students from two departments graduated from the Faculty of Health Sciences.

ERU Rector Prof. Dr. Fatih Altun, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences Prof. Dr. Mürüvvet Başer, academics, and students attended the graduation ceremony held at Erciyes Cultural Center.

Rector Altun said that the university conducts effective studies in the field of health. He said: “Erciyes University serves not only Kayseri but also many other cities in the field of health in Central Anatolia. This always makes us proud.”

He congratulated the students and families and said: “Do not avoid sacrifice for successful service.”

Dean Prof. Dr. Mürevvet Başer gave information about the faculty’s educational activities and said: “Today, you are receiving the reward for your efforts and perseverance. You receive your diplomas and leave with a great deal of knowledge and experience.”

After speeches, Gülay Boztosun, the top student of the term, placed a plaque on the graduation log.

The ceremony ended after the students took an oath and received their diplomas.

10 July 2024 Wednesday
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