Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Letters
Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Letters

36th term graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Letters was held. 759 students from fourteen departments graduated from the faculty.

ERU Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Hakan Aydın, Dean of the Faculty of Letters Prof. Dr. Özen Tok, academics, students, and families attended the graduation ceremony held at Erciyes Cultural Center.

Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Hakan Aydın congratulated the students and said: “We are happy that you graduate from a good research university as qualified individuals. Do not limit your personal and professional development to university years. Adopt life-long learning. Remember that you are responsible for contributing to the development of society. Be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Do not deviate from the truth. Do good deeds for your parents, country and nation. Adhere to humanitarian, cultural and ethical values. Do not want for others what you do not want for yourself! Strive to represent your faculty and university in the best way possible. Maintain your communication with your faculty after graduation. Try to participate in the activities organized for graduates. Please register with the university’s alumni information system. Remember that we are always with you.”

Dean Prof. Dr. Özen Tok said: “You have completed your undergraduate education. Please love your country and adhere to national values. I congratulate you.”

After speeches, Ayşe Dağlı, the top student of the faculty, placed a plaque on the graduation log.

The ceremony ended after the students were presented with their diplomas.

12 July 2024 Friday
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