Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Graduation Ceremony of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

42nd term graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences was held. 225 students from five departments graduated from the faculty.

ERU Rector Prof. Dr. Fatih Altun, Higher Education Council Member and Faculty Member of the Faculty of Engineering Prof. Dr. Derviş Karaboğa, Secretary General Prof. Dr. İbrahim Narin, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Faik Bilgili, 20th Term Kayseri Deputy and Chairman of Kayseri Industrialists and Businessmen Association İbrahim Yılmaz, academics, students, and families attended the graduation ceremony held at Erciyes Cultural Center.

Rector Altun said: “We want to serve our country and the entire humanity. Thus, we are doing our best. We are grateful to our students, academic and administrative staff for their efforts in the achievements of our university.”

Underlining that they always try to be together with the students, our Rector congratulated the students and their families and continued as follows: “Please serve your country and humanity. I wish you success in your professional lives.”

Dean Prof. Dr. Faik Bilgili said that our university is well-known with its scientific studies and gave information about the faculty.

After speeches, Açelya Özdemir, the top student of the faculty, placed a plaque on the graduation log.

The ceremony ended after the students were presented with their diplomas.

12 July 2024 Friday
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