Res. Asst. Dr. Hilal KAHRAMAN’s TUBITAK Success
Res. Asst. Dr. Hilal KAHRAMAN’s TUBITAK Success

Coordinated by Dr. Hilal KAHRAMAN, a research assistant at the Nursing Department/ERU Faculty of Health Sciences, the project called “The Effect of Patient Education on Foot Care Behavior and Diabetic Foot Self-Efficacy in Individuals with Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Study”, in which Prof. Dr. Sultan TAŞCI and Assoc. Prof. Yeliz SÜRME from the Nursing Department/ERU Faculty of Health Sciences are researchers, has been entitled to be supported as part of the TUBITAK 1002-A Short-Term Support Module.

We congratulate our researchers and wish them continued success.

07 October 2024 Monday
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